How To Tackle Common Hotel Problems During Your Stay

May, 29, 2023
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So, you’re in the mood for a getaway and considering a hotel stay, huh? Smart choice! Unlike those tricky Airbnb listings with their never-ending to-do lists, hotels offer a much-needed respite from chores and responsibilities. 

No more feeling like a guest on a covert cleaning mission, my friend. 

However, let’s not pretend that hotel stays are all sunshine and rainbows. Oh no, there are challenges to be faced and tales to be told. No matter how much trip planning you may do.

The entrance to Hotel Royal looks serene and without problems.

In this post, we’ll embark on a delightful exploration of the unique hurdles and hotel problems that might come your way during a hotel stay. From room roulette to service snags and the occasional billing bamboozle, we’ll navigate the challenging world of hotel stays, sharing tips and tricks to help you conquer any obstacle that crosses your path. 

Let’s dive in and unravel the common problems you may face during a hotel stay.

Scheduling & Booking Hotel Problems

A large, empty hotel lobby

Reservation Mix-Ups 

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, hotel reservations can get mixed up. You arrive at the hotel only to find out that your room isn’t available or that your booking was recorded for different dates. It can be frustrating and leave you feeling stranded.

The Solution: Remain calm and approach the front desk with your confirmation details. Politely explain the situation and provide any documentation that proves your reservation. Often, the hotel staff will work diligently to find a suitable solution, such as offering a comparable room or arranging accommodation at a nearby hotel. 

A common hotel problem is being given a room with two beds when you only asked for one.

How to Cancel a Hotel Reservation

If you’re not on-site and find yourself needing to cancel a hotel reservation on your own, follow these general steps.

  1. Review the cancellation policy. Check the terms and conditions of your reservation to understand the cancellation policy. Pay attention to the cancellation deadline and any potential fees or penalties.
  2. Contact the hotel directly. Find the hotel’s contact information, usually available on their website or in the confirmation email. Call the hotel or send them an email to inform them about your decision to cancel the reservation. Be sure to provide your reservation details, such as the reservation number and the dates of your stay.
  3. Confirm the cancellation. Ask for an email or written confirmation from the hotel that clearly states the cancellation has been processed and any applicable refunds or fees. This documentation will serve as proof in case of any discrepancies or issues that may arise later.

Note: If you made the reservation through a third-party booking platform, such as an online travel agency, it’s a good practice to notify them of the cancellation as well. Check their website or contact their customer service to inform them of the cancellation and follow their specific procedures.

  1. Review Refund Policies. If there are any refundable amounts associated with your reservation, familiarize yourself with the hotel’s refund policies. Understand the timeline for receiving the refund and any applicable fees or deductions that may be incurred.
  2. Keep an Eye on Your Credit Card Statement. After canceling the reservation, monitor your credit card statement to ensure that any charges associated with the reservation are appropriately adjusted or refunded.

Remember, maintaining a friendly and understanding attitude with staff can go a long way in resolving all reservation issues promptly.


An overfilled parking lot from above shows there's no room for additional guests

Another hotel problem you might experience is overbooking, especially during peak travel seasons or special events. This means they have more confirmed reservations than available rooms, leaving some guests without accommodation.

The Solution: If you encounter an overbooking situation, the hotel staff should take responsibility for finding you an alternative arrangement. They might offer a complimentary upgrade, transfer you to a partner hotel, or assist with finding accommodation nearby. It’s essential to communicate your concerns calmly and work cooperatively with the hotel to find a suitable resolution, no matter how stressful things might seem.

A ticking clock portrays the common hotel problem of having to face last-minute changes

Last-Minute Changes

Hotel schedules can be subject to unforeseen circumstances or unexpected maintenance issues. This can result in last-minute changes to your reservation, such as room reassignments or temporary closures of certain facilities.

The Solution: To prevent facing this hotel problem, stay informed and proactive by regularly checking your email or contacting the hotel before your arrival. If you receive notification of changes, reach out to the hotel to confirm the details and seek clarification. They should provide alternative options or make necessary adjustments to ensure minimal disruption to your stay. Flexibility and clear communication will help you navigate these changes with relative ease.

A challenge you may experience at hotels is a poor check-in or check-out experience.

Early Check-In or Late Check-Out Challenges

If you need to check in earlier or check out later than the standard hotel policy allows, you may encounter difficulties due to room availability and cleaning schedules.

The Solution: As best you can, plan ahead and communicate your specific needs with the hotel before your arrival. While they might not always be able to accommodate your request (or without cost), they could potentially offer alternative options, such as storing your luggage or suggesting nearby facilities where you can freshen up or relax until your room is ready or after you check out.

Sometimes, hotel staff may assign you to the wrong room type or place you in a poor location of the building.

Incorrect or Unsatisfactory Room Allocation

Sometimes, hotels may assign the wrong room type or place you in a noisy location, leaving you feeling disappointed or inconvenienced.

The Solution: Approach the front desk calmly and politely express your concerns. Provide specific details about the issue, such as the room type you booked or the noise disturbance you’re experiencing. In most cases, the hotel staff will work diligently to find a suitable resolution. They may offer a room change or make efforts to address the noise concern promptly. Remember to maintain open communication and work collaboratively with the staff to find a resolution that meets your expectations.

A clean and made bed looks inviting and cozy.

Cleanliness Issues

If you’ve never discovered dirty underwear that’s not yours laying on the floor of your hotel room, or a mini-fridge with the last guest’s dinner in it, or worse, bedbugs in your room– consider yourself lucky. Discovering an unclean hotel room can be off-putting and impact your comfort during your hotel stay.

The Solution: Address the issue promptly by contacting housekeeping or the front desk. Inform them about the cleanliness concerns, providing specific details to help them understand the situation. Request a thorough cleaning of the room or ask for a room change if the issue persists. Hotels generally prioritize guest satisfaction and will take the necessary steps to rectify the situation promptly.

Hotels with no wifi zones are the worst!

Malfunctioning/Missing Amenities

Discovering problems with amenities or appliances in your hotel room, like a malfunctioning air conditioning, non-functional TV, or unreliable Wi-Fi, can be quite exasperating. And let’s not even get started on the horror of arriving in your room only to find a lack of travel-sized soaps or shampoos in the bathroom. These seemingly trivial matters can surprisingly affect your overall comfort and convenience during your stay.

The Solution: Contact the front desk or hotel maintenance to report the malfunctioning equipment. Be clear and concise about the problem and request assistance in resolving the issue. In many cases, the hotel will dispatch maintenance personnel to address the problem promptly. If the issue cannot be resolved within a reasonable time frame, inquire about the possibility of changing rooms or receiving alternative accommodations to ensure your comfort.

A fence with a sign that reads "Danger. Construction Site. Unauthorized Persons Keep Out"

Maintenance or Construction Disturbances

Construction work or maintenance activities in or around the hotel can cause disruptions and inconvenience during your stay.

The Solution: If you encounter disturbances due to maintenance or construction work, express your concerns to the front desk or management. Inquire about the nature and duration of the work and its potential impact on your stay. Depending on the circumstances, the hotel may offer alternative accommodations away from the affected area or provide compensation for any inconveniences caused. 

A member of the hotel staff with their back turned away from the camera as they attend to an empty table in a dining room

Unhelpful or Unresponsive Staff Members

It can be frustrating to encounter staff members who seem disinterested or unresponsive to your needs. When you’re in need of assistance, their lack of enthusiasm can dampen the overall experience.

The Solution: Approach the situation with patience and assertiveness. Politely express your concerns to a supervisor or manager, explaining the specific issues you encountered. They will often take steps to address the problem and ensure you receive the necessary assistance. Alternatively, consider reaching out to the hotel’s customer service department after your stay to provide feedback and bring attention to the matter.

All hotel-stayers wish for a seamless check-in and check-out experience.

Delays or Mistakes during Check-in or Check-out Processes

Lengthy check-in or check-out processes, as well as errors in billing or room assignments, can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially when you’re eager to start or end your stay smoothly.

The Solution: Maintain a calm demeanor and communicate any concerns or discrepancies directly to the front desk staff. Verify your reservation details and review the final bill carefully before departing. If necessary, ask for clarification or corrections on the spot. By being proactive and addressing the issue promptly, staff can often rectify the situation and ensure a more seamless check-in or check-out process.

A wall of unused telephones represents the common hotel problem of poor communication

Poor Communication or Misinformation

Sometimes, hotels may fail to effectively communicate policies, amenities, or changes to guests. This can lead to confusion and disappointment when your expectations don’t align with the reality of your stay.

The Solution: Prior to your arrival, thoroughly review the hotel’s website, official communications, and any relevant documentation to understand their policies and amenities. If you encounter misinformation or discrepancies, politely discuss the issue with the hotel staff. By maintaining clear and open communication, you can seek clarification and ensure that you have accurate information for the duration of your stay.

The lobby of a hotel shows two men sitting behind the front desk.

Staff’s Lack of Attention to Special Requests

When hotels overlook special requests, it can be frustrating and impact your overall experience. Especially if those requests are life-threatening like ignoring dietary restrictions.

The Solution: During the reservation process, clearly communicate your special requests and dietary restrictions. Follow up with the hotel prior to your arrival to confirm that they have noted your requirements. Upon check-in, remind the staff of your requests and confirm that they have been properly documented. If any issues arise during your stay, politely bring them to the attention of the appropriate staff members, such as the concierge or restaurant manager, to find a satisfactory solution.

Remember, while encountering service-related problems at hotels can be frustrating, maintaining a respectful and proactive approach will greatly increase the chances of resolving these issues. By communicating your concerns effectively and seeking assistance when needed, you can help ensure a more pleasant and enjoyable hotel experience.

Safety & Security Concerns

A traditional key is placed inside a door lock of a hotel room.

Issues with Key Cards/Locks

Discovering inadequate security measures or experiencing difficulties with key cards or locks can raise concerns about the safety of your room and belongings.

The Solution: Immediately report any issues with key cards or locks to the front desk. They will assist you in resolving the problem, whether it involves reprogramming the key card or providing a replacement. If you have concerns about security measures, communicate your observations to the hotel management, emphasizing the importance of ensuring a safe environment for all guests. Additionally, consider utilizing any additional security features available in your room, such as in-room safes or lockable storage options, to further protect your valuables.

A "Caution Wet Floor" sign is located in front of a puddle on a covered hotel sidewalk

Safety Hazards

Identifying safety hazards, such as slippery floors, broken fixtures, or malfunctioning electrical equipment, is crucial for your well-being during your hotel stay, and, often for other guests, too. 

The Solution: Immediately notify the hotel staff of any safety hazards you encounter. Provide detailed information about the issue, including the specific location and nature of the hazard. The hotel should take swift action to address and rectify the problem. In the meantime, exercise caution and avoid the hazardous area until it has been appropriately addressed. Your safety is of paramount importance, and the hotel staff should prioritize resolving any safety concerns promptly.

In the event of true medical emergencies/fires, please contact local authorities right away. 

A man lifts two heavy suitcases through a doorway.


Although rare, incidents of theft or loss of personal belongings can occur in hotels, which can be distressing and impact your overall experience.

The Solution: Take proactive steps to protect your valuables. Utilize the in-room safe to store your passport, cash, and other valuable items when you’re not using them. Avoid leaving valuable belongings unattended in common areas.

If you encounter a theft or loss, immediately report the incident to the hotel management and local authorities, providing as much detail as possible. Hotels typically have security protocols in place and will cooperate with the necessary authorities to investigate the matter.

Remember to document any stolen or lost items for insurance or police reports.

Billing & Payment Issues

A stack of $100 USD bills is fanned out in a woman's hands

Overcharged/Incorrect Final Bill 

Discovering unexpected or inflated charges on your final bill can be frustrating and leave you feeling taken advantage of.

The Solution: Before confronting the hotel staff, carefully review the itemized bill to identify any discrepancies. If you notice overcharges or incorrect charges, bring them to the attention of the front desk or billing department immediately. Politely inquire about the specific charges and request clarification. Often, it’s a genuine mistake that can be rectified promptly. Provide any evidence, such as receipts or booking confirmations, to support your case. In most cases, hotels are willing to correct any errors and adjust the final bill accordingly.

One hotel problem you may face is a discrepancy between agreed-upon rates and actual charges which may leave you shelling out more cash than planned.

Discrepancies between agreed-upon rates and actual charges

Encountering differences between the rates agreed upon during booking and the actual charges on the bill can be frustrating and confusing.

The Solution: Approach the front desk or reservations department and calmly discuss the situation. Present evidence of the agreed-upon rates, such as booking confirmations or screenshots, and compare them to the charges on the bill. Politely request an explanation for the discrepancies. In some cases, it may be an oversight or miscommunication that can be resolved through open dialogue. The hotel staff should be willing to address the issue and make the necessary adjustments to align the charges with the agreed-upon rates.

Four travel credit cards are fanned out in someone's hands.

Difficulties in resolving billing disputes/obtaining refunds

Engaging in billing disputes or seeking refunds can be a frustrating and time-consuming process.

The Solution: Maintain clear and respectful communication with the hotel’s management or billing department. Clearly outline the issue, provide supporting documentation, and express your desire for a fair resolution. If the issue persists or if you encounter challenges in obtaining refunds, escalate the matter to higher-level management or contacting the hotel’s corporate office. In some cases, involving third-party entities, such as your credit card company, bank, or travel insurance provider, may be necessary to facilitate a resolution.

Other Common Hotel Problems Guest Face

A huge hotel problem? Noise complaints. Especially those made by young children running up and down the hotel hallways.

Noise Complaints

Dealing with noise disruptions from neighboring rooms or external sources like kids running up and down the hallway can be disruptive. And, not to mention, affect your ability to relax or get a good night’s sleep.

The Solution: If you encounter noise issues, do not approach the party making the noise. Start by politely addressing the matter with the front desk. They can reach out to the guests causing the disturbance or take appropriate measures to minimize the noise. Alternatively, request a room change to a quieter location within the hotel if available. Consider using earplugs or utilizing white noise apps on your phone to help mask the unwanted sounds.

A "No Parking" sign is displayed clearly.

Insufficient Parking

Insufficient parking space or difficulties with parking arrangements can be a source of frustration, especially if you’re traveling with a vehicle.

The Solution: If you encounter parking challenges, inquire about alternative parking options or nearby public parking facilities. The front desk or concierge can provide guidance on the available options. Consider booking parking in advance if the hotel offers such a service. If parking is included in your reservation and no spaces are available, politely inform the staff and request assistance in finding a suitable solution. In some cases, they may provide valet parking or help secure parking in nearby locations.

A breakfast meal from room service is supposed to look like this.

Unsatisfactory Food/Room Service

Discovering unsatisfactory food quality or experiencing subpar service at hotel restaurants or through room service can be disappointing.

The Solution: First, address the matter with the restaurant manager or the hotel’s guest services. Provide specific details about your concerns, such as the dish or service aspects that were unsatisfactory. In many cases, the hotel staff will take immediate action to rectify the situation, which may involve replacing the dish, offering an alternative, or adjusting the bill accordingly. If the issue persists or if you’re seeking alternative dining options, consider exploring nearby restaurants or seeking recommendations from the hotel staff.

An empty hotel pool is seen from above.

The Bottom Line

No matter which travel destination you choose, it’s important to address these hotel problems promptly to ensure a pleasant stay wherever you go. If you encounter any issues, try the following steps:

  • Report the problem to the hotel staff or front desk immediately.
  • Remain calm and polite while explaining the issue.
  • Provide any evidence or documentation to support your complaint, if applicable.
  • Request a solution or resolution that meets your needs (e.g., room change, refund, alternative arrangements).
  • If the issue is not resolved satisfactorily, consider escalating the matter to a manager or contacting the hotel’s customer service department.
  • Leave a review on sites like TripAdvisor or Booking so other guests and hotel staff can be aware of what went wrong during your stay

By approaching these common hotel problems with a proactive and open mindset, you can minimize their impact on your hotel experience. Remember to communicate your concerns calmly and respectfully, providing specific details to assist the hotel staff in resolving the issues promptly. Hotels value guest satisfaction and will strive to address these challenges to ensure a positive and enjoyable stay.

Have a memorable hotel experience or horror story? Share your stories and insights in the comments below. Let’s swap stories and learn from each other’s experiences!

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