Planning A Trip? Essential Travel Tips For New Travelers

May, 30, 2023
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As someone who loves to travel, I’ve learned the hard way that planning a trip can make all the difference. 

You see, I used to be the type of person who would just book a flight and figure out the rest later. 

While those impromptu trips often made for the most memorable travel stories, a few too many travel mishaps and stressful situations later made me change my ways. Trust me. There really is nothing quite like the feeling of defeat after realizing you’ve booked the wrong dates and need to cancel a hotel reservation or that you’ve made dinner reservations at a restaurant in a completely different city. If you haven’t been there yet, consider yourself lucky!

Now? I can’t stress enough the importance of planning a trip in advance.

Open a planner and start selecting your dates! Planning a trip is the fun part.

Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a longer journey away from home, planning a trip ahead of time can help things go smoother and make the overall experience that much more enjoyable. 

So, if you’re searching for a change of pace and are thinking about going on a trip, keep reading for my best tips for planning a trip to ensure you have a good time away.

You didn’t think that planning a trip began when you arrived at your destination, did you? 

Good. Because there’s a whole lot of preparation that can be done before you even step foot out of your house. 

Here are a few things I recommend looking into before you go:

Planning a Trip 101? Research the Destination

Before going anywhere, it’s important to choose your destination with careful research. Look for recommendations and reviews from travelers and locals who have already been there. This can help you decide on the best places to visit, eat, and stay. Websites like TripAdvisor and Yelp are excellent resources for finding reviews and recommendations from other travelers.

A view from the historic cobblestone streets of Philadelphia.
Haven’t quite decided on a place to visit? How does Philadelphia sound for a short weekend getaway?

In addition to hearing what other travelers have to say about your destination, find out about local customs and traditions. This can include dress codes, social norms, basic vocabulary, and cultural practices. Researching these aspects ahead of time can help you avoid offending anyone, make you feel more comfortable, and get yourself ready to reap the benefits of travel

While you’re planning a trip, it’s also crucial to check for any travel advisories or restrictions that may affect your trip. This could include things like entry requirements, visa restrictions, health advisories, and safety notices. You can typically find this information on government websites or by checking in with your travel agent.

Once you’ve thoroughly researched your destination, at a minimum, you should be able to answer these 10 questions:

  1. Is this a well-traveled destination or somewhere off-the-beaten-path?
  2. What’s the weather like? (e.g. Is it better to plan a spring trip or one for the fall?)
  3. Will there be any language barriers and, if so, how do I plan on overcoming them? 
  4. What currency is used and what are average local prices of common amenities?
  5. Can I keep to my travel budget?
  6. How will I arrive and get around (visas, transportation)?
  7. What local cuisine or customs are signatures of the area?
  8. Are there any specific experiences or site the location is known for?
  9. How safe is the destination for me and those I’m traveling with?
20 Reasons Why People Travel, an infographic

Planning a Trip 102: Create An Itinerary

OK, so the upfront research around your destination is done. Now, let’s put your organizational skills to the test— it’s time to create an itinerary.

If you’re traveling with a travel agent or choosing to attend a group tour, most of this leg work will be done for you. But, it’s good to know the steps anyway. 

Here’s what I recommend you include in your itinerary when planning a trip:

Determine Your Dates

List out how long you’ll be traveling for and what dates you’ll be away. Trips can be as short or as long as you’d like. But, often, this is limited by things like budget, time off from work, and the season of travel.

Decide on Your Budget

Don’t we all wish we had $1 million to spend on that dream trip? Chances are great that you’ll have to plan your trip with a much lower budget. Determine how much you can actually afford to spend on your trip and list it here.

Planning a trip can be costly! Save for spending in advance.

A 2021 study by ValuePenguin found the average cost of a domestic weekend getaway for one person in the range of $581, and included expenses such as transportation, lodging, meals and activities. On the other hand, a two-week international trip comes out around $3,250 per person. This figure includes round-trip airfare, accommodations, meals, transportation and activities.

Need more information on financials? See my guide on how to set a travel budget/budgeting for travel.

Create a List of Must-See Sites and Activities

Remember the research you did previously on what to do, where to stay, and what to eat? You’ve probably fallen in love with a few activities already. List them out here.

Group Activities by Location, Proximity, and Time

When you’re planning a trip, make sure to group your activities list by location, proximity to one another or to where you’re staying, and how much time you’ll need. This part is a bit like playing travel chess. You may have to move the pieces around before saying “checkmate”

Won’t have time to see and do everything on your list no matter how many times you reschedule your plans? I feel your pain. You can always visit a destination twice.

There are many transportation options to consider when planning a trip, like riding in an airplane.
Will you travel by airplane, train, car or something else?

Include Travel Time and Transportation

Speaking of being conscious of time, be sure to include travel time, too. Are you planning on arriving by plane, car, or something else? How much time will these activities take from the overall trip duration? How will you be moving around once you arrive? Will you risk driving in a foreign land, catch a group tour, or stay put at an all-inclusive resort? There’s plenty of things to think about when choosing transportation!

Leave Room for Flexibility

If I know anything, it’s that even with all the trip planning you do, you won’t be able to plan for everything. Time schedules change, flights get delayed, you might even lose your passport. Give yourself plenty of time to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and still enjoy yourself.

Note Important Addresses, Phone Numbers and Reservation Details

While you’re planning a trip, it’s also important to note down the names, addresses, and phone numbers of people you’re traveling with and where you intend to stay/go. Jot down important reservation details, like hotel check-in times or which of your travel credit cards the cruise is booked under, too.

A man stands in a hotel lobby to check-in for a stay

Share Your Itinerary

Last but not least, share your itinerary! No, I’m not saying post it on Facebook for the whole world to see, but give a copy to your travel companions to weigh in on. You should also give close family members and friends the information of where you expect to be, when, and who they can contact. Things can go wrong and it’s best to be prepared before you land yourself in a dangerous travel situation.

Prepare Your Home for Travel When Planning a Trip

If you’re planning a trip where you’ll be away from home for an extended period of time and nobody in your household will be around to handle things on your behalf, it’s a good idea to prepare your home for your absence. This not only ensures the safety of your property, but it also gives you peace of mind while you’re away.

A big portion of planning a trip is packing your bags and leaving home.

1. Lock up!

Start by securing all windows and doors. Consider installing a security system as well, or notifying local authorities of your extended absence. You may even want to ask a trusted neighbor or friend to help keep an eye on your home, for good measure.

2. Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions

Don’t forget to hold your mail and cancel any subscriptions while you’re away, too. Things like newspaper deliveries or cleaning services, won’t be needed. However, you may want to pre-pay or set up digital autopay for things like utility bills, (international) phone plans and landscaping services to stay in good standing with your providers while you’re out of town.

I know what you might be thinking: “She’s talking about landscaping services when planning a trip?”. Yes! High grass can be a visual signal to outsiders that you’re not home. Not to mention, an unkempt lawn can get you in trouble with local town codes and, if you’re anything like me, you want all of your budget to go to travel, not fines!

A manicured lawn in front of a residence is kept tidy to prepare for a trip away from home.

3. Conserve Energy

While you’re preparing your home for travel, it’s also a good idea to unplug unused electronics and lower thermostats to conserve energy. If you’re doing the latter to prepare for a winter trip, be careful. Pipes can freeze if the temperature is set too low and the last thing you want to worry about while away is a flooded or freezing house. Better yet, turn off your water supply to prevent any potential damage!

By taking these simple steps, you can enjoy your planned trip without worrying (too much) about the safety and security of your household.

Plan Care For Your Pets

You live in a household with pets (or plants, even)? Now is a good time to make sure they’re going to be properly taken care of while you’re away.

Two happy and small dogs run towards the camera

If you’re planning a trip where your pets are left home:

Consider hiring a pet sitter or asking a family member to care for your pets during your absence. Leave detailed instructions for feeding, watering, any medications they may need, and the contact information for their veterinarian. 

If you’re planning a trip where your pets are with you:

Make sure your pets are up-to-date on their vaccinations, all their necessary pet documentation for travel is squared-away, and you’ve booked pet-friendly accommodations. Don’t forget to pack their food, toys, and other essentials for the duration of the trip to ensure they remain happy and healthy while you’re away.

Prepare Your Travel Documents When Planning a Trip

At this point, you’ve prepared your pet’s travel documents, but have you thought about preparing your travel documents, too? Check expiration dates of driver’s licenses and passports and look into visa requirements well in advance. New passports can take an average of 4-6 weeks to obtain and it’s not uncommon for visas to take a few months to get. Plan accordingly! 

You may also want to save yourself a headache by purchasing travel insurance as well. Like any insurance, there are various companies out there with different coverage plans, so, do your research. 

I had coverage from World Nomads when I lived abroad for an extended period. Though I never had to submit a claim, I found their fees were worth their cost and their website was easy to use. 

An open passport with stamps rests on a counter

Oh, and a crucial part of planning a trip? ALWAYS remember to make copies of these important travel documents. You’ll never know when you might lose the real thing.

Personally, I like to have digital copies of my travel documents sent to myself via email along with hard copies in both my checked luggage and carry-on. Some say it’s overkill, but a little preparation never hurt anyone.

Arrange Your Arrival and Departure Transportation

If you haven’t already planned for your arrival and departure during the itinerary building phase of planning a trip, do it now. Compare the cost and convenience of different transportation options, book your flights, train tickets, or rental car well in advance, and don’t be afraid to consider public transportation as a budget-friendly option. 

If you’ll be flying, plan a way to get to and from the airport as well. Those long-term parking lots aren’t always the cheapest! If a family friend can drive you or you can hire a car service like Uber or Lyft for a quick ride, it’s well worth it.

Pack Smart

When it comes to planning a trip, it’s important to pack smart to ensure you have everything you need without overpacking. Before you start tossing everything into your travel bag, take a moment to check the weather at your destination. You don’t want to end up stranded in a rainy place without an umbrella or on a beach without your swimsuit. And, let’s be honest, nobody wants to lug around a heavy suitcase or pay those fees for going over the airline weight limit. Pack intentionally. Focus on bringing essentials and versatile clothing pieces that mix and match with one another.

Above shot of clothes and accessories in suitcase. This is what packing for a trip looks like.

While you’re at it, don’t forget to leave room for your medication, and any other travel accessories you may need (chargers and adapters, I’m looking at you). 

If it helps, you can even make a list of these items beforehand that you want to bring and double-check that you have everything before leaving. By packing smart, you’ll be able to travel with more comfort and less stress, leaving more time to enjoy the trip you just planned.

Are You Ready To Start Planning A Trip?

Planning a trip can be a daunting task, but by employing the right tips and strategies, it can also be an exciting and rewarding experience. Do your research, finalize your itinerary and pack smart. Remember to set a travel budget and plan ahead for transportation, accommodations and extra activities, and prepare your home while you’re away from home, too. 

What are you waiting for? Take that first step and start planning your dream trip!

Choose a destination on the map and go!

Keep Connected

Once you’re back, don’t forget to share your travel experiences and tips for planning a trip with others in the comments. By sharing your stories with Contemplating Peach, you can help inspire and encourage others to plan their own life-changing adventures, too!

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